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The next step in SusQI process is to design and test your 'change ideas'. The combination of changes made is called the 'improvment effort'.   To ensure your improvement effort is centred in sustainability, it is helpful to consider the Principles of Sustainable Healthcare.  listed in order of descending importance: 1) prevention of ill health, 2): patient self-care, 3) lean service delivery, 4) low carbon alternatives. There is also a fifth operational principle: efficient resource use-improving use of energy, transport, water, waste and equipment. Find out more here

Principles of sustainable

The princples of sustainable healthcare listed in order of descending importance: 1) prevention of ill health, 2): patient self-care, 3) lean service delivery, 4) low carbon alternatives. There is also a fifth operational principle: efficient resource use-improving use of energy, transport, water, waste and equipment. Find out more here


Your design process can be structured using a Driver Diagram, which helps to incorporate the principles of sustainable healthcare into your change ideas. 

Starting with the project goal on the left, think through different strategies to achieve this ('primary drivers'). Use the principles of sustainable healthcare as 'secondary drivers' to generate ideas for practical changes to achieve your goal. 


Take a look at our example driver diagrams to see how they have been applied to different areas of practice such as anaestheticsrenal medicine, diabetes services or intensive care units.


We also have a blank version of the driver diagram for you to try out in designing your own project. 

Principles change ideas.png

Structuring your design process

 Once you have brainstormed and organised as many actions as you can, get your team to help prioritise the top few actions based on their feasibility and impact. If you would like to discuss your ideas you can join one our Sustainable Healthcare Networks or contact us.

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