Please follow these guidelines for using SusQI materials
We are making these resources freely available for health professionals, health educators and those involved in sustainable healthcare. In return was ask that you abide by the specific license below and follow these Do's and Don'ts:
Do share back your SusQI experiences with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare so that we can learn and improve on our materials
Do have fun creating your own materials using our principles
Don't use SusQI ideas to greenwash an organisation's QI activities
All tools available on this website are licensed under the Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means they can be used for any purpose, so long as you provide attribution and share any changes you make, under the same license.
This license applies to the tool’s name, description, main body, embedded images, and downloads such as documents and presentations. It does not apply to external content such as websites or embedded videos, unless these are explicitly specified.