The SusQI Programme

Embedding SusQI into Health QI Education
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) has developed the landmark Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) programme to equip health professionals to innovate for a more environmentally, socially and financially sustainable health service. The project’s primary aim is to integrate sustainability into all current QI teaching in order to improve the knowledge and skills required for sustainable healthcare.
In its pilot phase the project was funded and supported by Health Education England, The Health Foundation and Kings College London. It is now entering its expansion phase and is offering SusQI support to Universities, NHS Trusts and Postgraduate Training Centres.
Project goal
The project aims to facilitate the integration of sustainability into all health professional QI education and practice, using the ‘SusQI’ framework, which looks at value in healthcare though the lens of the "triple bottle line." Please read more about SusQI here.
How does the SusQI project work?
We have developed a broad range of courses, resources, and support packages, that individuals, educators, and organisations can use depending on their needs and ambition. Please use this site to find out about the many support options we offer, and contact us if you have further questions.
We are building a SusQI community network, and to this end, we are offering Beacon Site accreditation status to Universities, NHS Trusts, and postgraduate training centres, who have successfully achieved the integration of SusQI into their QI teaching . We also offer Aspiring Beacon Site status to those committed to, and working towards, the integration of SusQI into their organisations teaching.